Update on the personal life.
The past year, two years, I don’t know. Either way, it’s been insane. The world has been upside down. Through all the craziness, I have worked and worked. My day job has been taxing. Next week I am starting a new job. I’ll still be machining, but the new gig will have normal human hours. Plus it’s a way more positive and creative environment. The hope is that I can actually manage my time in a way that allows me to work, be a good husband, be a good dad and make bags for YellowBird. The YB custom order list is finally looking manageable. Once I’m through that, I can actually start making produce for inventory. Then, I’ll start taking custom orders again. There’s a lot on my plate and my mental and physical health have taken a hit. So, heres to the next step. A step in a positive direction. I love you all and I am infinitely grateful for the support and patients.